Worship transcends all denominational, cultural, and color boundaries for one common goal. For a Christian that common goal is to express the love and adoration we feel for our Savior Jesus Christ. In John 4:23 we see that the Father is seeking just such people. In 2009 the Holy Spirit made it perfectly clear to us that He wanted a true house of worship in Wilmington, NC. He also said that He was restoring the Tabernacle of David in His church as a springboard for the last days revival. As we studied the scripture concerning the Tabernacle of David, the vision began to unfold.
In First Chronicles Chaper Fifteen (I Chron. 15 AMP) through a series of events, David changed the expression of worship for God's people forever. During that time in the Tabernacle of Moses the dead formalistic style of worship was required for those living under the law. In the Tabernacle of David, however, there was freedom of expression, intimacy with God through prayer, and prophetic insight. In Moses' Tabernacle just a few chosen men were allowed to minister to the Lord as well as to the people. In contrast, when the Father removed the Ark of His presence from behind heavy curtains into a simple tent, any of His people could come into His presence. The book of Psalms, for the most part, was written during the time of David's Tabernacle. Almost the entire book was a copulation of songs that were written to be sung in the Tabernacle of David. The prophetic insights and prayers throughout the book of Psalms were birthed while ministering before the Lord in David's Tabernacle. The book of Psalms also gives us a better look into the style of worship taking place in David' Tabernacle. For example: Offering the sacrifice of joy with spontaneous singing (Psalm 27:6 AMP), lifting up banners (or flags, Psalm 20:5), clapping of hands, shouts of joy, offerings of thanksgiving with singing (47:1-7, 100:4, 107:22), lifting of hands (134:2, 141:2), dancing as David did with all their hearts (149:3), and a variety of musical instruments (150:3, 5). It is amazing to see the similarity of worship in the New Testament church (Ephesians 5:19 AMP, Colossians 3:16, 17) and even more importantly to see it in John's vision of heaven (Revelations 5:8, 9).
In the Old Testament book of Amos 9:11-15, we read God's prophetic promise to restore the Tabernacle of David in the last days. In Acts 15:5-19, James and the elders of the early church believed that when God opened the door for salvation to all nations, this was the beginning of the fulfillment of this prophesy. All nations including the Jewish believers were free to come into His presence without animal sacrifices, the law, or religious rituals. Now everyone could come boldly before the throne of Grace and worship God in spirit and in truth. That is what the Tabernacle of David was all about and that is what The River of Life Worship Center is all about as well - FREEDOM! Freedom to express your love in heartfelt worship however you choose, and freedom to minister to one another through the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given for that very purpose (I Corinthians 12:1-11).
Prayer is an accentual part of any ministry and is extremely important for the vision of The River of Life Worship Center. Every Thursday evening we host Teaching Sessions at 7:00 PM which are open to anyone in our area. The Word of God says in James 5:16 in the Amplified version, "the earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available". Worship draws God's presence, but prayer releases His power. Intercessory prayer prepares the hearts of people to receive God's love. Spiritual warfare in prayer pulls down strongholds in our area and releases minds that have been blinded by the enemy. Praying in the Spirit releases the Spirit of God in us to bring revival.
**Please check our Events Calendar for special meetings other than the ones listed above.